This summer our aquatics has been awesome both on and off the water. When they aren't at the pool or on the lake guarding, we can usually find them hanging out with one of our camps getting to know our campers. Most of the lifeguards are returning staff from past years, except Amanda, who joined our staff after her sister Laura (also a lifeguard) worked at camp last summer. We asked them some questions about their camping experiences and here are their responses.
Aquatics Director Kayla, and Lifeguards, Amanda, Laura, and Jess |
One of our Lifeguards Joe! |
Were you a camper at Camp Whitman as a Child?
While Joe was not familiar with CW until he came here as a counselor four years ago and Amanda said that she regrets not coming here as a kid, Kayla, Jess, and Laura were veterans of camp when they joined our staff. Jess attended 4th and Fifth Grade Camp when she was young, and Kayla highlighted her years as a sailing camper as some of her favorites. Laura also recalled very fond memories of Girl Power camp!
What is your favorite activity as aquatics staff?
Of course all of aquatics really enjoy different water activities. Kayaking is at the top of Kayla and Jess' list and Joe loves anything that campers participate in on the lake. Laura and Jess also have a great time guarding swim time for our D.R.I.V.E students and campers with developmental disabilities. Amanda's favorite part of being on the aquatics team is blowing the whistle for Buddy Checks at the pool. Laura also made a point of saying that she really enjoys eating homemade ice-cream with the campers after they make it.
Kayla teaching our High School campers how to rig a sailboat |
Do you have a least favorite part of camp?
The only problem that aquatics staff has with camp is that they cannot get enough of it. Joe said he is only disappointed when he has to go home on Friday and the rest of aquatics said that they wish they had the opportunity to get to know the campers better.
4th and 5th grade campers |
What advice do you have for first-year campers?
Try New Things!!!
Aquatics staff making cookies for some other staff members |
What is something new you have learned during you time at camp?
Everyone was able to describe a new skill they have gained because of their time at Camp Whitman. Joe has learned how to make successful tie-dye. Kayla has learned how to teach sailing to campers as well as drive our Boston Whaler on the lake. Laura and Jess talked about their excitement to work with our campers with developmental disabilities, and Amanda has gained new resources after witnessing several of camp's worship session.
Laura Guarding on the Lake |
Finally, describe a typical day at camp.
After breakfast, we usually start our day with swim lessons or sailing depending on the age group we are working with. After lunch we have swim time, and different camps do canoeing and kayaking on the lakefront. When everyone has finished dinner, we take different family groups banana boating or our adult campers will enjoy a ride on the motor boat.