Sunday, November 24, 2013

15 Things to Expect on Your First Day of Camp

It's Sunday at 2:00. You've packed (and repacked) your suitcase, backpack, and shower bag... but what's next? Here's what to expect on your first day of camp at Camp Whitman.

1.  You arrive at the main lodge...

2. ...where these people are SO EXCITED to greet you.

seriously...why are they so excited? And why won't they stop singing?
3. You check in with the camp director and camp nurse...

4. ..and then meet your counselors out on the porch.

5. When everyone arrives, you play some name games / icebreakers.

These games may or may not involve a rubber chicken...

6. Then it's time for the safety hike so that you can get to know camp a little more. 

7. The safety hike ends back at your campsite, and you move into your cabin. 

Perfect for sleeping, friendship bracelet making, and letter writing.

8. If you're in a camp that does a lot of boating, you might have time to squeeze in a swim test before dinner. 

Lifeguards! Assemble!

9.  It's finally time to go back to the lodge for dinner!

I can't believe I'm so hungry already! And why won't they stop singing?

10. After dinner, everyone goes to Sam's Point for all-camp vespers. 

11. After vespers, your counselors might perform some skits about the camp rules.

12. You might have time for a main field game...

This particular main field game appears to have involved a pterodactyl.

13. ...or some team building exercises. 

14. You finish out your night with a fire back at your camp site...

15. and you start to think that this week might be pretty awesome!

Check back soon for more about what you can expect in 2014 (really...the snow just means we're a step closer to summer!). 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Meet the Camp Staff: Interview with Former Camper and Current Counselor, Michaela!

How many years were you a camper at CW?
I was a camper between 5-7 years. 

What was your favorite camp activity?
My favorite activity as a camper was banana boating. 

What's your favorite activity as a counselor?
My favorite activity as a counselor is campfire time and sailing.

Why do you keep coming back?
I keep coming back because it's easy to see that everyone bonds really quickly. 

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
If I could be any animal I would be a butterfly or a dragonfly.... It's always warm when you see them, they can fly, and I always feel relaxed when I see them because of family stories about them growing up.

Michaela thoroughly enjoying campfire time at the end of camp in 2013.