Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Volunteer Day

     Last Weekend, Camp Whitman welcomed volunteers to assist in closing camp for the winter.  We thank all those who were able to donate their time and make sure that all our end of year tasks were completed smoothly.

4-square court being repainted

Chimney being removed

Volunteers cleaning the labyrinth

Laura collects leaves for an activity
 While the adults were busy cleaning cabins and packing things up, some counselors came back for the day and held an Autumn Day Camp session for the children of some of the volunteers. A few of our Summer Day Campers were able to return to camp for some fall activities and see camp when all the leaves are changing.  It was great to be able to experience camp again even though the season is over for this year.
Campers making a fall themed jar
60th anniversary Bulletin board

CW Staff Participates in NYC Missions Trip

Day Camper, Gregory, trick-or-treating for UNICEF
     Over Columbus Day weekend, some CW staff had the opportunity to experience a Mission and Learning trip in New York City that was sponsored by The Presbytery of Geneva.  Over a three day period, our counselors were able to see how local Presbyterys interact with the UN and their involvement with UNICEF.

CW Staff who painted grass for the mural

Counselors adding clouds and windows to the mural

They also took some time to go to Coney Island to work on a mural for a school that was damaged by Hurricane Sandy.  This mural was painted to show how the school has grown and recovered since the disaster.

Breakfast on the Go for a couple of our staff

Counselor and camper, Ben and Daniel pointing
out landmarks around the UN


While there was time for counselors to explore the city on their own, the learning experiences were extremely beneficial and a huge thanks goes to the Presbytery, who made this opportunity possible, and to the organizations and churches that we worked with while were were in NYC, for making us feel welcome and exposing us to brand new experiences.
2013 CW Staff enjoying dinner at Bubba Gump

Staff at the 9/11 memorial site 

Our Fearless Leaders discussing the day's events