After one day of camping our Explorations campers have had many opportunities to try some new things as well as participate in some camp traditions. After an evening vespers service on Sunday, campers woke up today refreshed and ready to do some great activities with our counselors as well as the staff of the D.R.I.V.E program at Keuka College. Just one of the activities that was very entertaining to watch was Counselor Painting. Our campers were allowed to take this time to paint on the arms, legs, and faces of the staff that they will be spending the week with. Not only did our campers get to show their creative side, but some great memories were made that will last all summer long.
Jeremy, a counselor painting Lindsey, our Coordinator for Campers with Developmental Disabilities. |
A camper unleashing his creative side :) |
The artists and their finished products. |
What a great group! I hope you are all having lots of fun! I really enjoyed these pictures. Thanks for sharing.